Les populations de la République Centrafricaine déplacées ont encore besoin d’aide

Nations Unies (IRIN), Mon, 30 Jan 2006 09:44:23 GMT - Des milliers de civils déplacés depuis fin décembre 2005 en raison des nombreux actes de banditisme commis dans le nord-ouest de la République centrafricaine (RCA) ont besoin d’une aide d’urgence, a indiqué un représentant du Bureau des Nations unies pour la Coordination des Affaires humanitaires (OCHA).

 « Il s’agit d’une réelle urgence humanitaire, avec le risque réel d’une prochaine catastrophe. Par ailleurs, le manque de ressources des ONG et des organisations qui aident ces déplacés ne facilite pas l’acheminement de l’aide », a expliqué Maurizio Giuliano d’OCHA.

Michel Salle, le ministre centrafricain de l’Intérieur, n’a pas voulu s’exprimer sur le sort de ces déplacés. En revanche, il a indiqué vendredi que le gouvernement avait envoyé des soldats, appuyés par les troupes de la Communauté économique et monétaires de l’Afrique centrale (CEMAC), à la frontière entre le Tchad et la RCA pour combattre les bandits.


CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC: Displaced civilians still need relief aid, UN official says

NAIROBI, 27 Jan 2006 (IRIN) - Thousands of civilians displaced since late December 2005 following banditry attacks in northwestern Central African Republic (CAR) urgently require relief aid, an official of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) has said.

"This is a serious humanitarian emergency with a real catastrophe looming ahead, and lack of resources for NGOs and other organisations helping these people has hampered efforts of providing relief," said Maurizio Giuliano, OCHA public information officer, on Wednesday.

He said the number of displaced persons in the province of Ouham could be higher 5,000 as insecurity hindered access to the affected villages. The displaced urgently need food, shelter, clothing and medical aid.

Giuliano added that some people had fled into neighbouring Chad.

Michel Salle, the CAR minister for home affairs, declined to comment on the plight of the displaced civilians. He said on Friday that the government had deployed soldiers, backed by troops from the Economic Monetary Community of Central Africa (CEMAC), to the Chad-CAR border to fight the bandits.

"The UNHCR [UN refugee agency] is the only organisation that can give details about the nationals who left the country to escape fighting in the region," Salle said.

On Wednesday, Giuliano said that OCHA had received information that another 770 people had been displaced following armed attacks in Berberati, in Mambere-Kadei province, in the southwest of the country. The attacks had forced villagers to flee into the bush, where they are living in extremely difficult conditions.

Actualité Centrafrique de sangonet